Regarding free will, I've avoided dwelling on whether it exists, or engaging in endless debates with computer scientist colleagues about what it is, whether AIs have free will, etc. I learned about the Existentialist philosophers in high school and have adopted their thinking. Basically, I just assume that free will exists, and that it is up to the individual to make their life meaningful. In other words, everyone decides whether their life has meaning.

But, I can relate to Pharaoh. Thought begets habit begets character begets destiny. I think that's definitely true for many people. As we age, we get more hardened in our habits. Many of us become jaded, almost Scrooge-like characters, with little feeling for humanity as a whole. I cling to my love of my family and friends, and of good courageous heroes that I can admire for the good they do, but I generally, honestly hate most of American society. It's not just the latent aggression and violence. For me, most of all, it is the greed, cowardice, and dishonesty (especially of the Evangelical religion). I'm going to stop here before I explode into another rant. Maybe that can help me avoid the fate of Pharaoh.

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The inner battle just to avoid cynicism and despair takes up a lot of energy. I think you just have to constantly work against those currents so as not to drown in them. That's the first order of business and how you act in the world is a reflection of that.

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Yes, so sad and true. Then, when someone follows the natural trajectory of this gun glut of our culture, out from our influencers comes this hypocritical hogwash of "Thoughts and prayers." Ugh!

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Here's a link to the interview with the poet Ocean Vuong. I think you'll like it very much.


Also, I would add to the list, the gratuitous posture of hatred towards transgender or two spirit people which is only acknowledged in the attempts to cast it as something other than hatred, in order to justify it. I think it's a good litmus test for the hardened hearts of our own society in it's contrast with Indigenous societies that often revered such people.

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Thanks, Markus.

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'Thoughts and prayers' in response to a mass shooting is what Bonhoeffer called out as cheap grace, and God doesn't smile on that. As Jim Finley likes to say 'with God, a little sincerity goes a long way'.

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